Amos Rex awarded Winner of the Public/Culture Category in AIT-Award 2020

11 02 2021
Image of Amos Rex Museum, An art museum in Helsinki. 

A total of 943 projects from 47 countries were competing in 12 categories for the AIT Award 2020 | Best in Interior and ArchitectureAmos Rex took the 1st prize of the Public/Culture category. 

The Amos Rex fits into its complex context so naturally that it seems to have always been there. With a single gesture, it generates myriad qualities: it respectfully restores and creates a synergy with the historic ‘Lasipalatsi’ building. At the same time, it houses beautiful, unique and highly flexible gallery spaces that enable artists and curators to create enticing exhibitions for visitors in the heart of the city centre. And on top of that, it democratically secures and enhances a much-loved, well-used urban space. A courageous concept, brilliantly realised by JKMM Architects, their team of consultants and the Amos Rex Museum in close collaboration with the City of Helsinki. Well done!” the jury states. 

Due to the long-lasting pandemic, the already planned and announced festive award ceremony unfortunately had to be cancelled. However, the awarded projects are presented in the special issue of AIT Dialogue of AIT 1/2.2021.