JKMM shortlisted to continue in competition for the Museum of Nature Recreation in Finland

In an innovation competition to design a new Museum of Nature Recreation in Finland, JKMM partnered with the municipality of Pyhtää. Altogether 25 cities entered the competition with their design partners, and four of the applications were shortlisted to continue in the competition.
A project for a new type of national museum was collectively launched in 2020 by the Hunting Museum of Finland and The Fishing Museum Association of Finland in cooperation with The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, The Ministry of Education and Culture and The Finnish Heritage Agency: A national museum bringing together different types of recreational uses of nature. This new attraction will significantly boost the the cultural heritage and the regional image as well as economy.
The Museum of Nature Recreation sets out to become an international, attractive, ambitious and socially as well as economically significant place to present the Finnish nature culture and nature recreation. The museum represents hunting, fishing, wild product gathering, hiking and other recreational uses of nature. It will be a new type of centre providing meaningful experience for visitors, strengthening their nature experience and having a positive impact on their well-being.
The final decision for the museum location is made by the boards of The Hunting Museum Association of Finland and The Fishing Museum Association of Finland, both aforementioned ministries and The Finnish Heritage Agency.
Read more: https://www.eraluontomuseo.fi/