Tammela Stadium wins the 2024 Concrete Structure of the Year

30 01 2025

Tammela Stadium is awarded the 2024 Concrete Structure of the Year for its exemplary leadership and execution. The project has a significant impact on the urban fabric. The stadium introduces a new architectural element to the city, fitting into a relatively small plot amidst the residential blocks of the city centre, bringing it closer to the people.

Opened to the public in 2024, Tammela Stadium is a large-scale football stadium located in the city centre of Tampere. It has approximately 8,000 seats and can accommodate up to 15,000 people for concerts. The hybrid block consists of the football pitch, a covered stand, residential and commercial buildings adjacent to the stadium, as well as an underground car park and shopping centre. The project also emphasises sustainability, with easy access to the stadium primarily by public transport, helping to avoid traffic congestion in the city centre.

The jury emphasises that the successful integration of the stadium into the existing urban structure is based on the extensive coordination of materials and the hybrid construction of complex structures enabled by supporting concrete elements. The entire block is founded on reinforced concrete piles, designed to withstand the challenging and unstable soil conditions.

A distinctive feature of Tammela Stadium is the over 100-metre-long suspended canopies that shield the end stands. The glass entrances protect the pitch from wind, maintain spatial connections to the surroundings, and create a microclimate inside the stadium. The column-free design ensures unobstructed views of the entire pitch from all seating areas. The slanted pillars in each corner of the stadium are supported by load-bearing concrete structures known as “concrete boxes”.

The jury particularly highlights how the properties of concrete have been utilised in all critical load-bearing structures that support the massive loads of the stadium. The structures use both precast concrete elements and cast-in-situ concrete. The spacious underground car park is predominantly built using cast-in-situ concrete.

The project has also made versatile use of various concrete products, including partition and shell elements for the commercial spaces within the stadium, specially designed seating and stair elements for the stands, and paving stones.

The integration of housing, sport, and commercial services required architectural and structural innovation. The successful realisation of bold ideas was made possible by strong collaboration among all parties involved.


Developer: City of Tampere, Facility Services
Architectural Design: JKMM Architects
Structural Design: Ramboll Finland
Contractors: Pohjola Rakennus Oy Suomi, YIT Housing Oy, YIT Business Premises Oy, Pirkanmaa

CEO, Jussi Mattila, Concrete Industry Association, Jury Chairman
Architect SAFA, Henna Helander, Finnish Association of Architects SAFA
Construction Architect RIA, Mika Suihko, Construction Engineers and Architects RIA
Dipl. Eng., Janne Tähtikunnas, RIL Association
Dipl. Eng., Mirva Vuori, Finnish Concrete Association
Editor-in-Chief, Tapio Kivistö, Rakennuslehti
Editor-in-Chief, Architect SAFA, Maritta Koivisto, Concrete Industry Association, Betoni Magazine, Jury Assistant

As Oy Helsingin Hyperion ja Atlas, Helsinki – Arkkitehtuuritoimisto B&M Oy
Kivenlahden Hybridiarena, Espoo – L Arkkitehdit Oy
As Oy Helsingin Mannerheimintie 76, Helsinki – Arkkitehdit Kirsi Korhonen ja Mika Penttinen Oy
Tammelan Stadion, Tampere – JKMM Arkkitehdit Oy
As Oy Panorama, Espoo – Arkkitehtitoimisto Juha Klemetti
As Oy Verkkosaaren Artus, Helsinki – ILO Arkkitehdit Oy
Ruskeasuon raitiovaunuvarikko, Helsinki – Arkkitehtityöhuone APRT Oy
As Oy Helsingin Maininki, Kruunuvuorenranta, Helsinki – Arkkitehtitoimisto Konkret Oy
Hessundinsalmen silta, Parainen – Afry Finland Oy
BY-Vähähiilisyysluokitus ja BY-Vähähiilisyyslaskuri – Professori Jouni Punkki, Aalto-yliopisto ja Suomen Betoniyhdistys ry

The Concrete Structure of the Year Award is given annually to a project that best represents Finnish concrete construction. The purpose is to promote Finnish concrete architecture, technology, and construction. The competition is organized by the Concrete Industry Association. www.betoni.com
