Construction of the new SKiB campus in Pori begins in summer 2023

On 31 May, Svenska Kulturfonden i Björneborg – SKiB‘s Board of Directors decided to build a new campus in the centre of Pori.
The estimated construction time of the new campus is around two years, preparations for construction starting in summer 2023. The design of the SKiB campus started in 2020 with an architectural competition. JKMM Architects won the competition and acts as the main designer of the project.
The campus project includes a new, mainly timber structure annex, and existing buildings from the early 1930s and 1960s to be renovated. The hybrid complex will include spaces open to all, such as the cultural centre, event spaces, a library and a café, as well as new facilities for the upper secondary school and a separate space for the IB upper secondary school. In addition, the Swedish-language comprehensive school in Pori (BSS) will undergo a complete renovation. Technically, it is implemented to be energy-efficient to utilize passive energy production, geothermal energy, and solar energy. Building is constructed using durable and repairable materials.
When completed, the campus will serve the school’s approximately 500 pupils, day-care centre and staff, the Foundation’s senior activities and all residents of Pori and the surrounding area who are interested in the multilingual cultural offer.
The total budget of the project, including design costs, is just over €38 million and the main contractor is MVR. Prepon will act as construction consultant and site supervisor during the implementation phase. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2025.
The project is financed by the SKiB Foundation. It is also supported by Svenska kulturfonden and Business Finland.
For further information about the architecture please visit